Original Investigation
Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis and Sexually Transmitted Infection Trends
Madeline Sankaran, MPH; David V. Glidden, PhD; Robert P. Kohn, MPH; et al.
Author Interviews Audio: Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis and Sexually Transmitted Infection Trends
Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis and Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Individuals Using HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis
Michael W. Traeger, PhD, MSc; Wendy A. Leyden, MPH; Jonathan E. Volk, MD; et al.
Invited Commentary
DoxyPEP to Prevent Bacterial STIs—Ready for Prime Time?
Jeanne M. Marrazzo, MD, MPH; Jodie A. Dionne, MD, MPH
Research Letter
Redistribution of Residency Slots After Hospital Closures
Tarun Ramesh, BA; Kushal T. Kadakia, MSc; Thomas C. Tsai, MD, MPH
From JAMA This Week
Predatory Journals
Christine Laine, MD, MPH; Dianne Babski, MIM; Vivienne C. Bachelet, MD, MSc; et al
Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis and Sexually Transmitted Infection Trends
Comment & Response
AI and Clinical Care
Should Artificial Intelligence Provide Input in End-of-Life Decision-Making?
Calvin R. Gross, MD, MTS
AI and Clinical Care
Should Artificial Intelligence Provide Input in End-of-Life Decision-Making?
Nicholas Pratt, MD, RN; Ricky Madhavan, MD; Joseph Luchsinger, MD, PhD
AI and Clinical Care
Should Artificial Intelligence Provide Input in End-of-Life Decision-Making?—Reply
Teva D. Brender, MD; Alexander K. Smith, MD; Brian L. Block, MD