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World: COVID-19 August 24: World 812,054 people died, former prime minister of Ukraine infected

According to the website, by 6 o'clock on August 24, the world had more than 23.5 million confirmed positive people with corona virus, 812,054 deaths and more than 16 million recoverer.

COVID-19 ngày 24-8: Thế giới 812.054 người chết, cựu thủ tướng Ukraine nhiễm bệnh - Ảnh 1.

Graphics: NGOC THANH

Former prime minister of Ukraine infected with COVID-19

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is the latest senior politician to have positive results for the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing acute respiratory infections COVID-19.

Ukrainian media quoted Ms. Tymoshenko's Fatherland Party spokesperson on August 23, saying: "Her condition was quite serious. Her body temperature sometimes reached 39 degrees C".

Tymoshenko served as Prime Minister of Ukraine twice in the period 2005-2010.

The US allows the use of the plasma method

The United States is still the country with the most infections and deaths in the world, with more than 5.8 million people infected and 180,564 deaths.

According to Reuters, on August 23, US time, US President Donald Trump announced that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of plasma from people infected with COVID-19 and Recovery for emergency use for new patients.

Trump sees this as "a historic breakthrough" during the recent White House press conference and believes it will "significantly expand the reach of this treatment".

Stephen Hahn, FDA commissioner Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Institute of Global Health, also advocated this approach and argued that the initial promising data indicates that the plasma of those who have recovered is effective, although not yet. There is sufficient scientific evidence.

He called for reopening the school

COVID-19 ngày 24-8: Thế giới 812.054 người chết, cựu thủ tướng Ukraine nhiễm bệnh - Ảnh 2.

Evidence shows that lack of education increases inequality, reduces opportunities and aggravates mental and physical problems - Photo: REUTERS

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Aug. 23 called the return of children to the classroom next week "vitally important". His remarks came after the group of leading national health advisors released a joint statement saying that children need to return to school after the summer break, stressing that missing out on education also causes problems. The threat outweighs the COVID-19 epidemic.

Experts say that very few children or adolescents will experience the lasting impact of COVID-19 from school attendance. But on the contrary, evidence shows that lack of education increases inequality, reduces opportunities, and aggravates mental and physical problems.

Schools in the UK closed in March and reopened in June, but only for a small number of students.

COVID-19 ngày 24-8: Thế giới 812.054 người chết, cựu thủ tướng Ukraine nhiễm bệnh - Ảnh 3.

Graphics: NGOC THANH

Germany: Concerts to study the route of COVID-19 in the home

Halle University, Germany held a series of experimental music performances with 2,000 volunteers to test the spread of the virus.

Tim Bendzko, a famous German musician, has agreed to conduct three shows a day in the eastern city of Leipzip. The attendees are young volunteers with good health. When they arrived at the theater, they had their temperature checked and all were wearing FFP2 high standard medical masks and electronic equipment to track movement in this space.

Using fluorescent antiseptic chemicals, researchers will be able to see the surfaces that audiences are most exposed to, and even be able to track the droplets the audience exhales. The ultimate aim of this experiment is to determine whether musical concerts and major events can be reorganized while avoiding the risk of disease transmission.


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