Original Investigation
Risk Prediction Models for Sentinel Node Positivity in Melanoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Bryan Ma, MD; Maharshi Gandhi, MPH; Sonia Czyz, MSc; et al.
Brief Report
Inflammatory Signatures in VEXAS Syndrome, Myelodysplasia Cutis, and Sweet Syndrome
Chloé Grolleau, MD, PhD; Maxime Battistella, MD, PhD; Eve Zakine, MD; et al.
JAMA Dermatology Clinicopathological Challenge
A Firm Pigmented Plaque on the Forearm of a Child
Ruba Srour, MD; Zaaroura Hiba, MD; Salih Mishlab, MD
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Research Letter
Perceived Barriers to Conducting Holistic Review in Dermatology Resident Selection
Isabella I. Sanchez, MD, PhD; Alexandra Kivnick, MD; Cindi Morrill; et al.
Characterizing Chronic Cutaneous Immune-Related Adverse Events Following Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Kylie A. Fletcher, BS; Rachel S. Goodman, MD, MBA; Aleigha Lawless, BS; et al.
Skull Osteomyelitis Associated With Scalp Xylazine Injection
Erin Pomerantz, BS; Olivia Pericak, BS; Ho-Man Yeung, MD
From JAMA This Week
Screening for Food Insecurity
Rebecca Voelker, MSJ