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Sars - nCoV-2

Translation COVID-19 July 14: WHO Director-General warns 'too many countries go in the wrong direction'
14/07/2020 - 07:45
The World Health Organization warns that the crisis caused by COVID-19 could be 'worse' if countries fail to adhere to strict health precautions. In just 5 days, the number of new infections ...
More than 11.9 million people are infected with COV globally
08/07/2020 - 10:05
The world recorded more than 11.9 million nCoV cases and more than 545,000 deaths, the cases increased rapidly in the Americas and Europe, almost under control.
Rapid and sensitive diagnostic procedure for multiple detection of pandemic Coronaviridae family members SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and HCoV: a translational research and cooperation between the Phan Chau Trinh University in Vietnam and Universit
29/06/2020 - 15:27
Rapid and sensitive diagnostic procedurefor multiple detection of pandemicCoronaviridae family members SARS-CoV-2,SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and HCoV: a translationalresearch and cooperation between the ...
Nearly 504,000 people died from nCoV worldwide
29/06/2020 - 08:22
The world recorded more than 10.2 million cases and nearly 504,000 deaths due to nCoV, the epidemic in the Americas continues to be complicated.
WHO calls for production of the anti-arthritis drug Covid-19
24/06/2020 - 07:55
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus calls for increased production of dexamethasone to treat patients with severe Covid-19.
69 days without infecting the community nCoV
24/06/2020 - 07:52
6 am of June 24, the Ministry of Health did not record any new cases. 20 patients are undergoing treatment, of which 15 are still positive.Thus, the past 24 hours have not added new cases, a person ...
WHO says the world is in a 'new and dangerous phase' of COVID-19
20/06/2020 - 09:48
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns the world is in a "new and dangerous phase" of the COVID-19 pandemic when the epidemic is still spreading rapidly, and everyone is tired of the blockade. .
More than 8 million people are infected with COV worldwide
16/06/2020 - 08:58
The world has recorded more than 8.1 million cases and more than 438,000 deaths from CoV, South America is a hot spot while many countries continue to loosen the blockade.
A girl with Covid-19 revived through a lung transplant
13/06/2020 - 07:58
The 20-year-old girl, whose lungs were frozen, escaped death by having both lungs replaced, in the first transplant of this type for a Covid-19 patient.
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